BLDC Ceiling Fans I BLDC Personal Fans I BLDC Air Circulators
BLDC Fans - Brushless Direct Current Fans
BLDC - How it works & saves energy ?
- A BLDC fan takes in AC voltage and internally converts it into DC using SMPS.  BLDC uses a combination of Permanent Magnets and Electronics to achieve the kind of efficiency and performance it delivers.
- In a BLDC motor, as there are no brushes so the commutation is done by the driving algorithm in the Electronics. Hence no wear and tear of brushes making the motor more rugged for long-term use.
- One added advantage in a BLDC fans due to use of an electronic circuit is that you can add several additional features to increase convenience, few example of the same are sleep mode, timer mode also it is compatible with Home automation systems.
- Compared to regular induction fan, a BLDC fan can save enormously upto Rs 1000-1500/ Year/fan. And because there is no heating of the motor, the life of a BLDC fan is also expected to be much higher than ordinary fans.
Ceiling Fans
Super Savers - BLDC Ceiling Fans
- Save up to 50% Electricity – consumes approx. 26-28 W only
- BEE 5 Star rating for energy saving
- Advance Inverter Technology based Fan.
- Operated with normal regulator
- Super Efficient Noise less motor.
- Robust & reliable inverter motor powered by Electronically commutated motor technology
- 100% rust free blades made of high grade aluminum
- Various Range of Fan Color & finish to match 5th Wall of the Room.
- Robust Fan structure.
- Works on Low Voltages (140 ~ 270V)

Other Models
Super Savers

Wattage : 35W
Sweep : 1200mm
Air Delivery : 230cmm
RPM : 350
Super Efficient Noiseless BLDC Motor motors powered by Electronically commutated motor technology. Inverter fan series operated with normal regulator

Wattage : 32W
Sweep : 1200mm
Air Delivery : 220cmm
RPM : 370
Super efficient fan with > 50% energy saving BLDC Motor + electronic communication

Wattage : 32W
Sweep : 1200mm
Air Delivery : 220cmm
RPM : 370
Super efficient fan with > 50% energy saving BLDC Motor + electronic communication
Other Models
Smart Savers

Smart Saver
Sweep : 1200mm
Air Delivery : 230cmm
RPM : 350
BEE 5 STAR rated fanFull copper motorFull powder coated

Energy Star
Sweep : 1200mm
Air Delivery : 220cmm
RPM : 320
BEE 5 STAR rated fan Full copper motorRibbed Aluminum wide blades
Cabin Fans I Personal Fans I Multi Utility Fans

Sweep(mm) : 300mm / 85W
Air Delivery(cmm) : 4800
RPM : 2000
Gyroscopic movement to set wind direction manually Aerodynamically designed blades for maximum air delivery.

Sweep(mm) : 300mm / 28W
Air Delivery(cmm) : 4800
RPM : 2000
Gyroscopic movement to set wind direction manually Aerodynamically designed blades for maximum air delivery.