Metering Solutions

Prepaid Metering Solutions​

LPR Zigbee Metering Solutions​

Automatic Metering Solutions​​
Metering Solutions

Prepaid Metering Solutions​
- Available in single phase – S(30)A & 10(60)A, Three phase 10(60)A
- Confirming as per IS 1S884: 2010with Class 0accuracy
- Suitable for dual source application
- Transparent system for utility and end consumer
- No worry of meter reading
- Automatic Supply disconnection for zero or negative meter balance
- Optional mobile billing software for bill generation

LPR Zigbee Metering Solutions​
- Available in Single Phase S-30A & 10-40A
- Energy Meter Based on IEEE 1 S.4
- Centerlised data collection system
- Automated device address management
- Each meter aids transfer of data for self as well as neighboring meter
- Wireless commissioning, network scalability features

Automatic Metering Solutions​​
- High speed GSM/GPRS communication 9600 bps
- Suitable for remote reading application
- On demand data transfer
- Optional SMS facility for configured events